Complete assembly
All from a single source. We not only assemble the products manufactured by us, but also integrate your components (e.g. lights, product inserts, advertising graphics, monitors ...). After we have completely assembled everything, we will send the final product to you. So there is no additional effort for you.
Partial assembly
If you wish, we can also only assemble the products that have been produced, e.g. the basic body and deliver it to your desired location.
We develop product-specific packaging for you and manufacture it with the help of our own resources. This is how we guarantee the safe transport of your products.
Final check
Our goal is to create the best result for you. For this reason, we subject all manufactured products to QA tests.
This guarantees the highest level of precision of the elaborations.
Are you interested or do you have any questions about the company?
Tel .: +49 (0) 6441-9855-0